Zhou Lab at UCLA

We are interested in developing efficient and interpretable machine learning methods for computer vision and machine autonomy. The impact areas include but not limited to explainable prediction, controllable data generation, human-AI shared autonomy, and human assistive technology.

To prospective students: Each year I am looking for about 2 outstanding PhD students to join the lab. Student will either work on computer vision or machine autonomy (RL, IL, Robotics) or both. It will be very helpful to watch recent talks I gave to get to know what our current research focus is. If you are doing very relevant research and have strong track record and interest to join my group, feel free to drop me an email. But I am unable to respond any general inquiry or email from student who doesn’t have relevant research experience.
PhD Application for Fall 2024: When applying for PhD program at UCLA CS, if you are interested in joining my group, you can list me as your interested faculty in the system so your application materials will be screened by me.

Current members:
  • Research associates:
    Wayne Wu

  • PhD students:

    Zhenghao Peng
    Qihang Zhang (CUHK)
    Zhizheng Liu
    Yunsong Zhou (visiting)
    Yiran Wang (co-advised with Prof. Lin Yang)

  • Master students and RAs:
    Sicheng Mo
    Quanyi Li
    Chenda Duan
    Ben Klingher
    Yuxin Liu
    Tommy Vo Tran
    Weizhen Wang

  • Undergraduate students:
    Jordan Lin
    William Zhou
    Govind Pimpale
    Matthew Leng (visiting)

  • Graduated PhD students:
    Yinghao Xu (2019-2023, PhD from CUHK, Postdoc at Stanford)
    Ceyuan Yang (2018-2021, PhD from CUHK, Researcher at Shanghai AI Lab)
    Yujun Shen (2018-2020, PhD from CUHK, Researcher at Ant Group)

  • Graduated Master's students:
    Lalit Bhagat (2023, now research scientist at Amazon)
    Jiawei Yang (2023, now PhD student at USC)
    Nilay Shah (2022, previous Master student at UCLA)
    Hao Sun (2019-2022, Mphil student at CUHK, now PhD student at Cambridge)
    Jiankai Sun (2019-2021, Mphil student at CUHK, now PhD student at Stanford)

  • Previous undergraduates and RAs:

    Jimmy Wu (2017 visiting student, now PhD student at Princeton)
    Alex Andonian (2018 visiting student, now PhD student at MIT)
    Tete Xiao (2018 visiting student, now PhD student at UC Berkeley)
    Bowen Pan (2018-2019 visiting student, now PhD student at MIT)
    Jinjin Gu (2018-2019 RA, now PhD student at Sydney University)
    Tiga Leung (2018-2020 RA, master study in UK)
    Kaiwen Zha (2019 remote intern, PhD student at MIT)
    Jiapeng Zhu (2018-2019 RA, PhD student at HKUST)
    Shuhan Tan (2019 remote intern, now PhD student at UT Austin)
    Haoyue Bai (2021 RA , now PhD student at UW Madison)
    Zhenghai Xue (2021 RA, now PhD student at NTU)
    Jianyuan Wang (2021 remote RA, now PhD student at Oxford University)
    Yuanqi Du (2021 remote RA, now PhD student at Cornell)
    Zhihan Liu (2021 remote RA, now PhD student at Northwestern)
    Sicheng Mo (2022 undergrad, now works at LA)
    Alexander Swerdlow (2022 undergrad, now graduate student at CMU)
    Lan Feng (2021 remote RA)
    Junge Zhang (2023, visiting grad)
    Yinggan Xu (2023, visiting undergrad)


We are grateful for the generous research award and gift supports from the following sponsors: